A dictionary of terms as they are used and redefined by Elias



Elias states that thought is a tool and translation mechanism which provides information. He stresses that thought does not create reality. In another context, thought is also one of the four focus types.

**Session #551:**

ELIAS: Your thoughts are energy, and they are expressed, and they are a physical manifestation, but your thoughts are a creation to be offering you information and identification of elements within your physical reality. This is a manner of communication between yourself and other individuals, and communication within yourself. This is not necessarily what is creating of your reality..

**Session #1468:**

ELIAS: I may express to you, as I have expressed to these other individuals and many, many other individuals, do not confuse yourself. Thought does not create reality. It is not its function. Its function is to translate, to interpret what your communications are. Therefore, it is only as efficient as information that you offer to it. If you are not allowing your ttention a flexibility to be listening to all of your communications and to be moving in awareness of what you are actually doing, which is what you are choosing, you do not offer accurate information to the thought mechanism, and therefore it may not offer you accurate translations of what you are communicating or what you are doing. This is the reason that many individuals become quite confused, as thought does not match what they are doing or what their communications are.

Thoughts are the translater/interpreter of information (emotion, signals (feelings), doing). Those signals are generated as communication between subjective and objective awareness.

**Session #2049:**

ELIAS: ELIAS: (Chuckles) This day we shall be discussing thought. To begin with, what is thought?

PARTICIPANT: Translation of a communication.

ELIAS: Correct. […]

ELIAS: I have discussed this subject previously but perhaps not to the extent that you incorporate a clear understanding of what thought is and what function it performs.

First of all, thought does not create your reality. It is a mechanism of translation and interpretation. It interprets and translates information that you offer to yourself through avenues of communication. Thought is NOT an avenue of communication. It TRANSLATES communications.

Thought follows communications. It FOLLOWS information. It does not produce it; it does not precede it. It always follows. You do, you receive, you input, you think. You do not think first and subsequently input. Thought can only translate what is being inputted to it. Therefore, it is a matter of attention that drives thought. What you present to yourself in relation to your attention is what you input to thought for it to translate.

This is exceptionally important, that you understand this mechanism. It is natural for you to think, and I am not expressing any discouragement from thinking, but it is important that you understand this mechanism and therefore incorporate a clear ability to use it in the most effective and efficient manner.

Thought is not the same as the communication itself, but instead translates the communication into language. It is also not the same as attention and can in fact distract attention from the actual information.

**Session #2049**:

ELIAS: The communications that you generate, generally speaking, do not involve language. Therefore, thought is very useful, for it translates your communications into language that you understand. This is the reason that it is important to be flexible with your attention and to recognize that attention is not thought.

You can be paying attention to many different aspects of your experiences within your day and not be engaging thought. The information that you offer to yourself is continuously being inputted. You are always generating information. You generate information through your inner senses, through your outer senses, through your intuition, your impressions, your impulses, imagination, your body consciousness. You are constantly offering yourself information, but you may not be paying attention to what that information is.

How often are you aware within your day of what your air feels like, how it feels upon your skin? How often are you aware of the smell of your environment? How often are you aware of sounds that are not directly affecting you or that you are not directly engaging? There are many actions that are occurring within your day that you are not aware of, for you are not paying attention. Many times the reason that you are not paying attention is that you are thinking.

More quotes:

**Session #920**

ELIAS: It is your allowance of yourself to direct your awareness to specific actions that you are incorporating. For the most part you, in like manner to most individuals within your physical dimension, concentrate your attention upon thought.

Now; in concentrating your attention upon thought, you offer little aspects of attention to actual communications that you incorporate within yourself. Therefore, as thought is a translating mechanism, it does not function accurately many times if it is not being offered information through communication. The manner in which you offer thought the communication to be accurately translating is to move your attention to the communications.

In a manner of speaking, I may express to you, you may view your thoughts as a type of processing machine, so to speak.

Now; you have incorporated information previously from other essences that thought is reality; very well, just as the machine is a reality.

Now; this machine that you may incorporate physically requires an input of information, and in offering it an input of information, its function is to translate that information. Let us say that you incorporate many, many, many volumes of coded text, so to speak, and you incorporate an action of feeding this text into this machine, and what the machine incorporates as function is to be translating these volumes of text into pictures, so to speak, that you may understand in an objective viewing of them.

Thought works in a very similar manner. It incorporates information and translates that information objectively. BUT it does not precede or create or generate your reality. It translates it.

Therefore, if you are not offering information through your attention to your thought process, it may translate what is familiar to it. It may translate in relation to your beliefs and familiar information that it already incorporates, rather than accurately translating what you may be actually incorporating in movement in the moment. Are you understanding?

[…] For it draws upon the information that it is offered, and if your attention is not being directed to communications or choices, you are also not offering that to your thought mechanisms. In a manner of speaking, you are offering to the machine blank pages, and therefore it has little information to translate. Therefore it translates what it already associates with and what is familiar, what it already knows. But that may not necessarily be what your movement is in the moment.

**Session #1252:**

ELIAS: What you choose may be associated with your direction. Your choices are what you do, not necessarily what you think. You may think to yourself in one moment, ‘I am going to move across this room and consume appetizers.’ And what you may actually do is turn your attention to the individual that is sitting beside you and engage in conversation. You are not DOING what you thought, but you are doing what you desire, in association with your direction. This is the significance in paying attention to what you are doing and what influences what you do. For your doing is your choosing, and what influences your choosing is quite significant, for your beliefs influence your choosing continuously.

See also:


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