One of Elias favorite advises is to be noticing what we are doing. This goes hand in hand with the advice to be paying attention.
The significance of noticing what we are doing is that according to Elias not our thoughts are "creating" - but what we are actually doing/choosing.
Our doing/choosing aspect is in conjunction with two other aspects: the thinking aspect and the emotional communication:
**Session #893:**
ELIAS: Now; I am expressing this identification to you in a manner which appears to be what you may term as a following process. In actuality, it is not. In actuality, the doing aspect of you, or that which chooses, creates the choice, expresses the action. The thought process simultaneously is translating and interpreting, and simultaneously also the subjective awareness is communicating. They are creating three different functions simultaneously. They are not in actuality following each other consecutively. In this, you are offering to yourself three different actions within the same moment.
Elias explains that we are often not aware of these three aspects and thus they are not in harmony with each other:
**Session #1350:**
ELIAS: Now; you may also be generating actions — which are choices — that are not actually creating what you think you want, and you may be expressing an emotional communication which may actually be more in alignment with what you think than what you are doing.
Now; as these three functions are obviously not in harmony with each other in this scenario, this is an indication that you are not offering yourself clear information, and an indication that it would behoove you to identify what beliefs are influencing you.
In the following passage he speaks of the significance of paying attention and noticing to all three aspects - especially to the emotional communication:
**Session #1454:**
ELIAS: Pay attention to whether your three main aspects of yourself, your three main functions of yourself are in harmony or not. If they are, you shall experience much more of an ease and an allowance of yourself to be trusting yourself. If they are not, it is significant and is worthy of your evaluation and noticing.
In this, pay attention to the harmony which is expressed between your communications, your choosing or your actual doing, and your thinking. In this, if any one of those elements of yourself are not in harmony with the other two, you are offering yourself information. Paying attention to that generates much more of a familiarity with yourself and how you are actually creating any expression in any moment. As you notice that you may be generating a communication to yourself, listening to it and generating a harmony with what you are actually doing but thinking in a different direction, you may stop and evaluate what you are misinterpreting.
Remember, thinking is NOT a communication; it is a translating mechanism. It is translating information that you are offering to your objective awareness. If it is moving in a different direction from what you are doing or what you are communicating to yourself, you are misinterpreting some element of your communication, which is worthy of your attention.
Once you genuinely begin to be familiar with what you are actually doing and you become more familiar with paying attention to that, you shall generate much more of an ease and much less obstacles, for you shall recognize the moments in which you are presenting an obstacle to yourself, and in that moment, you shall also recognize other choices.
What generates hindrances are moments in which you are unaware objectively that you incorporate choices, or moments in which you are objectively unaware that you incorporate more than one choice, moments in which you perceive yourself to be locked into the expression of merely once choice. Be aware of the moments in which you are viewing your reality in quite black and white terms. That is a signal, for none of your reality is black and white, or either/or, or absolute. It is continuously changing. Therefore, what may be an applicable expression in one moment may not in another. But if you set your perception in absolutes, you lock yourself into a box and you do not allow yourself to express your freedom, for you generate an association that certain experiences must always be expressed in one manner. That is what generates truths. But truths, remember, are not true. (Chuckles)
**Session #1350:**
ELIAS: Now; also recognizing and evaluating your thought process, for it is a matter of paying attention to all three aspects of yourself: what you choose, what you think, and what you communicate to yourself.
Your offering of information through these three functions is tremendous if you are paying attention.
**Session #1350:**
ELIAS: Now; if you move your attention away, so to speak, from the thought process, away from the thinking, and turn it to the signal… This is not to say that you shall disengage the action of thinking or that your thought process shall stop; you shall continue to be incorporating thinking, but the manner in which you are thinking shall alter.
For in turning your attention first to the signal, your thinking occupies itself with translating what you are feeling within your experience, and it identifies this in simple one-word terms:
- Feeling: anxiety. - Feeling: frustration. - Feeling: tension.
This is its function. Now; you may move your attention further through the signal, allowing a clear avenue for the natural function of your thinking by turning your attention slightly more to what the communication is of the emotion. Now; in turning your attention slightly farther through the signal, the feeling, you allow your thoughts to continue their process of translation.
The process of translation follows your attention and begins to translate to you, “Ah, frustration. The frustration is occurring in relation to the action of blocking energy. The blocking of energy is occurring.
**Session #1468:**
ELIAS: But if you are generating a balance, recognizing that if you move your attention to all three factors or elements of yourself — thought, communication, and choice/doing, for doing and choice are synonymous — if you are allowing yourself a flexibility in attention to these three aspects of yourself, you shall notice when one is not in harmony with the other two, and in that you offer yourself information. That is the manner in which you begin to balance and you begin to recognize the “why” of your creations.
I encourage individuals to concentrate upon the “what” of their creations, for you concentrate excessively upon the why and you offer yourself no answer, for the question is too familiar. But in paying attention and creating the balance of these three factors of yourself, you automatically offer yourself the why, without asking the question.