A dictionary of terms as they are used and redefined by Elias



Orientation is a term which occurs quite often in sessions because many people ask about their orientation, together with essence name, belonging, alignment and focus type.

It is an attribute of focus and in a way describes or influences how individuals generate perception, how they percieves themselves, others and the world in general.

**Session #584**:

ELIAS: […] orientation is a perception. It is how you view yourself, other individuals, and your world.

**Session #381**:

ELIAS: […] is your perception. It is what is creating your perception. Your beliefs are influencing of your perception and therefore create your perception also, but your orientation is an ingredient of your perception.

There are three different orientations: common, intermediate and soft.

**Session #584**:

ELIAS: Now; the qualities of common: Your perception of this shall move in the direction of more rational thought processes. You shall draw yourself, as common, to interests which involve physical elements. Common perception holds fascinations and interests outside of self, in a manner of speaking: what may be created physically, how you may project the inward self outwardly. This may manifest itself in artistic forms, it may manifest itself in technological forms, it may manifest itself in mechanical forms. There are identifications with the creation of physical elements. This is a very strong base line of the perception of common.

Intermediate — that which you term to be female — occupies much of its perception in its engagement of inner senses: intuition, viewing inner creations. Therefore, it also is quite occupied in its attention with emotion, which is not an element which may be projected outwardly to be creating a thing. The creations of intermediate are not necessarily visible, for they concern themselves more with the inward creations.

Soft is the designation of perception which occupies its attention in expression of interaction, involvement. It may express inwardly and outwardly, but it is more concerned with exchange, involvement. The involvement may be interaction with other individuals, with that which you term to be nature, with your planet, with your universe, with ideas, with concepts. It matters not. Their attention focuses in interaction.

More Quotes:

**Session #1465:**

ELIAS: Each orientation has commonalities that you all express in some manner objectively or outwardly. But in association individually with your movement and how you process information, how you offer yourself awarenesses of different aspects of yourself, the different awarenesses of subjective and objective, that may be expressed individually in your own natural manners: in association with your beliefs, in association with your personalities, in association with your focus type. There are many different elements or factors that contribute to how you generate an objective association and awareness of the subjective awareness.

Each orientation incorporates an ability to be aware objectively of the subjective movement. For as I have expressed from the onset, this awareness is not hidden from you. It is merely that you do not pay attention, for you are unfamiliar with the types of signals or communications that you access from the subjective awareness. You do not necessarily attribute those signals or those communications to the subjective awareness, for what you are familiar with is paying attention to the objective within waking state. Each of you generates different methods of your own communications.

**Session #526:**

ELIAS: […] the designs of the orientations create the base layer of your perception, and your perception creates all of your reality.

**Session #641:**

ELIAS: […] is the color, the hue of the lens of your focus. Therefore, that element which creates your reality, that we identify as perception, is filtered through the colored lens of your orientation.

See also:


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