A dictionary of terms as they are used and redefined by Elias



Elias uses the word absolute in reference to things or idea which seem to be generally applicable to everything and everybody in our reality or even in all realities.

And in that regard he is very clear. He has said in countless sessions:

ELIAS: There are no absolutes.

This statement sounds very much like an absolute in itself and in fact the question if it is an absolute has been presented many times:

**Session #1104:**

PETER: I don’t want to be facetious, but then after the shift the only absolute will be that there are no absolutes, which means that there is an absolute. Does that make sense?

ELIAS: I am understanding your expression, which has been presented many times, and even this is not an absolute!” (Laughs loudly)

This answer leads to a nice paradox which has been paraphrased like that:

ELIAS (paraphrased): There are no absolutes. And this is not an absolute either.

The paradox aside, here is another quote which outlines what Elias means by no absolutes.

**Session #1101:**

LUANA: That’s why you say nothing is an absolute, because there is always a choice.

ELIAS: Correct. You generate free will and choice, and the nature of consciousness is continuous change, a continuous exploration and becoming. Therefore, there are no absolutes, for all of consciousness is continuously changing. All is generated within the moment.

But mostly when the word appears in a transcript, it does not refer to broad philosophical questions but to his definition of truth as an unquestioned belief, as in this transcript:

**Session #1392:**

ELIAS: Now; in this, of those expressed beliefs, some expressed beliefs you recognize as beliefs. You identify them, you recognize behaviors that are associated with them, and you recognize thought processes that are associated with them. But you also identify them in a category as being just beliefs, as though there are beliefs which are less than.

Then there are truths, which are categorized differently in your associations. Those are not beliefs; those merely are. They are unquestioned; they are absolute. Therefore, they are not beliefs, for in your assessment beliefs are some expression that you either believe or you do not believe, and there are some expressions that are not a matter of whether you believe them or do not believe them, they are and they are universal.

Now; this is what becomes a truth. It is not a truth, but…

LEELA: You believe it to be.

ELIAS: Correct, and you do not question it and it is absolute. Therefore, your choices are extremely limited. I have offered an example previously to other individuals quite simply, in that a truth may be identified that the sun in its orb rises and sets every day. In certain positions that is a truth with many individuals, for it is unquestioned and absolute. It merely occurs. It is uncontrollable and there is no other choice. It is what it is. But dependent upon your position within your physical reality, the sun does not rise and set every day. It rises and remains risen, or it sets and remains set. For it is dependent upon your position, which is dependent upon your perception, which creates your reality.

Now; in this, dependent upon your position once again — your culture, your physical location, the mass beliefs expressed in that location which are reinforced by all of the participants that occupy that location — you incorporate certain absolutes, which become your truths. What is significant that you recognize objectively is that they are not actually truths. They are strongly unquestioned beliefs.

More Quotes

**Session #9999:**

ELIAS: Lorem ipsum …

See also:


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