A dictionary of terms as they are used and redefined by Elias



**Session #94**:

ELIAS: We have spoken previously of the action of physical expression, through your thought process, into verbalization. I have explained to you how you chemically, physically manifest thoughts into action by expressing audibly. You create a chemical reaction as you express audibly. The actual molecules of air, that you express through your body outward, physically affects and creates a manifestation.

This also occurs within your physical manifestation, for your thoughts create chemical physical responses that your physical selves respond to. As your belief systems influence your creating of your reality, this also is affecting of your physical body expression.

**Session #321**:

NORM: Do all of my thoughts objectively realize in matter somewhere in some dimension?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. Thought does not always materialize into what you view as matter or solid objects, although many times it may be creating of solid objects in matter within physical dimensions.

There ARE certain thought processes that DO materialize into physical matter within other parallel realities or probable realities that may not objectify themselves within this particular reality that you hold your attention within, but all thought is not necessarily projected into what you think of as physical mass, into an object in matter.

Although I shall also express to you that any thought process that is verbalized DOES acquire a physical type of reality, for there is a chemical alteration within physical dimensions that occurs in a very minute type of expression.

I shall also express to you that any thought process that is verbalized DOES acquire a physical type of reality, for there is a chemical alteration within physical dimensions that occurs in a very minute type of expression.

Therefore, there is what you may term within the scientific community as a chemical reaction that occurs as you verbalize thought, and this creates an actual solidity in your atmosphere, so to speak, in like manner to the element of your air, which holds somewhat of a solidity, for it does materialize into actual molecules which are physical.

Therefore also, your verbalized thought patterns change from what you may view as electrical energy patterns into physical formations chemically which are expressed within your physical dimension.

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