**Session #1376**:
DON: In that session did you define what this belief system is? I haven’t seen it yet, but I haven’t really been able to get a good handle on what that belief system is.
ELIAS: It may be identified as any expression that you perceive as a truth. It has been defined that what you access as truths are your most strongly expressed beliefs, those beliefs that permeate every day of your focus and are expressed in all of your focus and influence all of your directions. Those expressed beliefs are quite strong, for they are not questioned; they merely ARE.
**Session #1376**:
ELIAS: You each incorporate – or have incorporated, given that there are some individuals now that have moved their awareness into a direction of recognizing what beliefs are and are not necessarily generating the distinction between beliefs and truths any longer – but for the most part, individuals within your reality continue to express a distinction between beliefs and truths. The distinction that is expressed is that beliefs are some thing that you believe or you do not believe, and that truth merely is and is outside of the expression of beliefs.
Now; beliefs are not a thing, and it matters not whether you believe them or not. They ARE, regardless, and they are expressed regardless. Many individuals may express to themselves and to other individuals that they do not incorporate religious beliefs. This is entirely incorrect. They may even express to themselves that they do not incorporate any expression of religious beliefs, and they do. All of you express some religious beliefs, for all of you express some beliefs within every belief system – not all of them, but some.
In this, as you generate this distinction between expressions that merely are and those that you believe or you do not believe, this sets a definition within yourselves of what a belief is: some expression that you either believe or you do not believe. But whether you objectively recognize that you BELIEVE some expression or not does not entirely incorporate a bearing upon whether it is expressed or not.
DON: It only reflects the attention the belief is given when it’s being expressed, it seems like.
ELIAS: It reflects your opinion and what you think, but not necessarily accurately defining whether you actually express a particular belief or not. This is the significance of recognizing and identifying specifically what your expressed beliefs are and what their influences are, as we have discussed previously.
Now; I offered an example with that group of individuals in the discussion of truth, or the belief system of truth, in a very simple expression, that your sun rises and sets every day. But that is a matter of perception, and the perception is influenced by beliefs. It is dependent upon your position. In your position, yes, the sun rises and sets every day in accordance with your beliefs and your choice of position to support those beliefs.
DON: By position, do you mean physical location?
ELIAS: Yes. Your physical locations are not accidental. You choose to be manifest and experiencing within certain physical locations in association with the expressed beliefs that you are incorporating in any particular time framework, which change. Individuals move and alter their position in reflection of the expressed beliefs that they are incorporating in that time framework. Within a different position, your sun does not rise or set every day. Therefore, it is not an absolute.
This is quite a simple example but effective in illustrating that there are some expressions, some actions within your reality that you do not question and that you do not pay attention to, for they merely are, but you express them daily and the concentration that you express in association with those beliefs is strong. Therefore, the beliefs themselves are quite strong and quite influencing, and this is what you identify as your truth.
DON: An example I’ve been thinking of recently, that I think I would consider a truth in this sense, is a belief I have that still feels like a truth to me somehow. You said recently – well, some time ago in a session that was only recently transcribed – what we term as love is not limited, and therefore we incorporate the capacity to love many individuals simultaneously in equal measure. But what feels to be a truth to me is that while our capacity to love may not be limited, our time and attention, given the singular focus that we have, certainly are, and thus our objective expressions of love that we’re capable of are limited. I mean, we live a finite number of seconds as a singular focus. I understand intellectually this is a belief, but this really does feel like a truth to me.
ELIAS: And this is the point. It is not the point to identify your truths and discount yourself or to attempt to eliminate it or even change it, for many of your truths are also your preferences or expressions that you value. As I have expressed previously, value is not necessarily always associated with what you define as positive or comfortable. There are many experiences and expressions and actions that each of you incorporate within your focus that may not necessarily be positive or comfortable, but this is not to say that you do not value them.
In this, your truths are associated with absolutes. Once you move a belief into the position of being an absolute, it becomes your truth.
DON: Such as what I’ve done with my belief that my time and attention are limited.
ELIAS: Correct.
DON: That feels absolute to me.
ELIAS: Correct, and therefore you generate that as a reality, for it is inflexible. It has become an absolute and now it has become a truth.
**Session #9999:**
ELIAS: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog …