A dictionary of terms as they are used and redefined by Elias



Elias uses the term outcome very often. Normally synonymous with what the questioner views as a goal or an accomplishment.

He emphasizes the significance of the process in relation to the outcome of the process.

**Session #1970:**

ELIAS: And that influences perception very strongly, and it motivates you.

As to motivation also, this is another factor. For in association with shifting and discovering or identifying truths, your movement is changing. What you are familiar with, what you are accustomed to is goals. You set a goal, you set an ideal, you focus upon a wanted outcome and that is the focal point, and that motivates you to accomplish achieving that goal or that outcome.

What is shifting in perception and being misinterpreted as a lack of motivation with many individuals is the unfamiliarity of generating more importance in relation to the process than the outcome. In paying attention to the process, which is associated with what your desire is — to be more aware of yourselves and intentionally creating what you want — the outcome becomes unknown. Therefore, the process becomes ultimately important.

For you may engage an idea of what you want, but what you genuinely want is to be generating the awareness to create your reality intentionally entirely in association with what you want — THAT is the genuine desire. That can be expressed and developed in many, many different manners, and not necessarily always comfortable, for that choosing aspect of you does not distinguish between comfort or the lack of comfort. What it moves toward is whatever is most efficient to gain your attention.

**Session #1447:**

ELIAS; What you occupy yourselves with so very often are outcomes. You judge your value upon outcomes, and you measure yourselves with outcomes, and you compare yourselves with outcomes. But what you are engaging in this reality are processes. It is the generation of the creating, not the created. What is significant is what you are DOING, not what you have done, what you are creating, what your process is. For this is the expression of you, and this is what offers you all of your information.

**Session #1474:**

ELIAS: Which is significant, for this is an analogy for all of exploration within your focus, or in your terms, your very existence.

It is the process that is the subject, not the outcome. You have moved yourself into a position of concentration in anticipation of outcomes rather than allowing yourself to participate and appreciate the process, and the process is the point, for that is what you are doing throughout the entirety of your focus. It all concerns the process, the process of exploration. The outcome is not the point. For in actuality, there is never an actual outcome, for it is continuously changing as you continuously engage more of the process.

In this, what you are generating is a concentration upon what you assess to be unattainable, and in this, somewhat you are correct, for you are generating a perception concerning end points in many different directions, generating a definition of success as being the end points - but there are no end points.

In this, you are generating this perception in relation to every direction within your focus in this time framework, whether it be continuation in this focus or whether it be to not continue in this focus. In either direction your concentration continues to be directed to the end points.


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