Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 13:57


Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 18:34


Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 21:51

denise posts:
hi, love your avatar pic!

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 15:31


Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:11

Stevelord posts:
Angel, all 3 SUmafi family "ghosts" , ELias , his buddy Paul Patel, and the latest, Derelict or Michael as he calls himself channeled Sharee, many many posts here re Sharee) are the best around , uh, in my view, due to their allegience , for the most part, to telling it like it is, rather than catering to our beliefs , as I posted in a quote from Elias I posted yesterday under the thread "Is Elias Still Relevant, yes , yes, yes. That is what drew me to him in the first place and maybe that is what drew you to him too. Kris, channeled by Serge once told me Abe wanted to be more sophistocated in him material but he felt hehad to cater to his followers so I guess he oversimplifies it. ELias is not as well know as a lot of others , I think because he does tell it like it it, for example saying flat out there is no God. Did that make you wince?

So can you do any tricks, Angel, can you channel or do out of body , or are you psychic, ete, etc?


Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 23:55

Stevelord posts:
[quote="AngelSeven"]lol the stock market is headed in the direction determined by the collective consciousness of stock brokers [/quote

Go ahead, Angel, you can do it, take a crack at it, what is your impression , are stocks headed generally up or down in the coming several weeks, what do you sense, no thinking allowed, pure feeling or sensing, what comes into your mind without thinking about it.


Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 14:47

AngelSeven posts:
Feels like down, but not by much

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 20:16

Stevelord posts:
AngelSeven wrote: | Feels like down, but not by much |
Im afraid you are going head to head with the Canadian who is almost infallible, he says a few weeks of rally. We shall see. Thanks. Steve

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:23

