Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:10

elias posts:

Well, my name is Elias, coincidence? I think not.

I have been reading this stuff for almost 3-4 years, and it has been a very delightful realization for me, For the essence name being identical my given name on this planet has been very helpful getting across the barriers of belief systems.

Now, I found this forum, so I decided to stop by and say hi. I am looking forward for more communications.

Noticing is one of favorites, it somehow digs deep inside me and brings my higher self in?

This name "Elias" is a very rare name in our society and I wonder about the significance of my role over here, I am living in Iran, and the culture of Iran is immersed in many layers of belief systems, and I have found Elias be quite helpful for me to navigate my way out of them. I have personally suffered a lot because of Religious belief systems.

Sometimes I find my self ODD and when you realize how serious some take the beliefs it becomes so hard to bear at times. I am finding that my communication chakra (throat) and my solar plexus have been largely affected by all the non-acceptance of religion I have felt over the years. Also I have always found my self a little bit out of this world, and by finding Elias, I am gaining deeper insight to who I am. Still I have not been able to project anyone that can understand me, so I am becoming a silent observer most of the time, and of course "understanding" has been a valuable tool for me to be able to live in the dense society of Iran.

Glad to be here, and I am looking forward to creative communication. And of course it matters not!


Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:29


Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:13


Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 15:21

elias posts:

I don't remember exactly, but when I first encountered the website, I thought there is so much resonance between me and Elias. But at that time I was immersed in religious belief systems, so that still I was finding it hard to accept that it is only a belief system, (maybe about 6 years ago), the religious grip was very high on me for some reason, and it was very difficult for me to escape the guilt induced by religion. It was only about 7 months ago I found Zingdad (zingdad.com) and The Ascension Papers, which helped me break the ties of religion, and after that I found out I am now understanding clearly what Elias is talking about, and it has become blissful to hear what Elias has to say. I was stuck in what I knew is right, and what others told me that is true, this society in which I live is very very dense, It is not so close to Western or Eastern Countries, our whole society is constructed out of very very rigid beliefs, which are conflicting most of the time, conflicting sets of beliefs make one live in a type of switching between personalities.
At first when you start accepting a belief you tend to doubt, what if it is a truth? Then you notice that you are doubting, and then you accept that you are doubting. One thing I learned from The Ascension Papers is that the reason we feel guilty of doubting is because of Religious programming, do not doubt, believe! they say, because if you doubt you will become free.

Another thing I have noticed is that as I am in the process of releasing my blocks in my throat, the energy seems to penetrate and affect people in such a way that they just freak out sometimes, it makes them fluid?! and then I notice they are becoming powerless constructs of illusion, and very manipulative? and I fear that, I am hurting them, But I know that I have to continue release the blocks so that I will be able to affect them more positively, this has made me confused at times. Of course I am finding that after the 21st it has become far much easier to live in higher state of vibration.

I love you All, looking forward to learn and express. 

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 20:15

Ahmed posts:
Hello elias, I'm from Saudi so I can sympathize with what you say re religion. The other Elias (whose name I'll capitalize to differentiate from yours) offered my some interesting insight on the topic in a private session:

Quote: | Me: Can you comment on the direction of our country, Saudi Arabia, and how it will figure into the shift? As you are well aware we live in a culture radically different from the majority of those you had spoken to over the years. Religion seems to permeate all aspects of life here. How long can this go on with the rest of the world so sharply different? And when or how soon will we see religion to significantly loosen its grip over conservatives and fundamentalists here? Will there be trauma? What shape will it take?

Elias: Interesting question. Which all addressed to the subject of difference. Now, first of all, let me express to you, I have been expressing from the onset of this forum, you are not eliminating any beliefs. That is the first point. Secondly, the point is to be accepting of beliefs and all also moving into an awareness of each individuals truths recognizing that they are beliefs that have been set into absolutes and they are not bad, they are each individuals guidelines for how they choose, how they behave, how they express and what they value. In this, every individual within your physical reality is participating in this shift in consciousness, and they are all shifting. ALL of you, are participating. Every individual draws themselves to the information that resonates the strongest with themself. Therefore, not one direction is the right direction. What is important in shifting, is that individuals become aware of self and become aware of their own truth and generate a genuine acceptance of difference. Let me express to you my friend, your society, your culture, within your country bears in actuality little difference to any other culture within your physical reality in the respect that it generates strong truths of its own within your culture. Other cultures express the same, and other cultures are generating as much, if not somewhat more difficulty addressing to difference than does your culture. In actuality, there are aspects of your culture and your society that are actually more accepting of difference than other cultures or other societies. For in association with those expressed religious affiliations, those philosophies promote more of an acceptance than the philosophies of any other country. Therefore, I express to you my friend, your society, your culture, your country, your people are shifting as much as every other culture, or country or people within your physical reality. You each generate shifting in different manners. You draw yourselves to information that will facilitate your action of shifting the most efficiently, whether that be in association with religious philosophies or with other philosophies. In actuality, it matters not. It is the action of shifting that is significant and important. And in opposing the action of the shift, which is to be directing also, thinning the veils of separation, acceptance of self, of other individuals, of difference and of beliefs, these are the actions of this shift in consciousness which shall redfine your reality. In that, trauma is expressed in individuals that oppose that action, and that is being experienced throughout your world. Perhaps within your society, your culture, theres somewhat less(?) of extreme trauma, for there is such a strong association with the culture of belief(?) and the philosophy that is accepted within your culture, which as I have expressed, in actuality, promotes and encourages acceptance. |
I guess much of that also should apply to Iran. Btw, I've met quite a few people named Elias. Its a common name In Lebanon where I once went to school.

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 0:13

Jacobean posts:
elias wrote: | Another thing I have noticed is that as I am in the process of releasing my blocks in my throat, the energy seems to penetrate and affect people in such a way that they just freak out sometimes, it makes them fluid?! and then I notice they are becoming powerless constructs of illusion, and very manipulative? and I fear that, I am hurting them, But I know that I have to continue release the blocks so that I will be able to affect them more positively, this has made me confused at times. Of course I am finding that after the 21st it has become far much easier to live in higher state of vibration. |
Interesting, elias. Am I correct in understanding you feel the block in your throat energy centre is based on the accumulation of a negative energy… hence your observation regarding your effect on others?

I've discussed this accumulation-of-negativity theory in some depth with others, as it relates to blocked chakras. I haven't yet formed any conclusions. Obviously, it's a valid possibility. I, also, experience people 'freaking out' in response to me, elias. How odd to think it may be something related to the throat chakra, but then, why not? It is the point of power regarding communication, isn't it?

Regarding my own blocked throat energy centre, I was told (by a channel) I had opened myself consciously to spiritual awareness (shifted) so rapidly I attracted an opposing energy (vibrationally opposite) on the etheric field which engaged me in battle at the soul level (that is, between the physical and purely spiritual realms). I am still reflecting on all this. I can't find anything in the Seth/Elias material which accords with this idea. In every other way, the channel's information was astute and straightforward; but I have never heard of this kind of thing - battles in the etheric field in times of shifting and therefore great vulnerability - and have no point of reference regarding it.

I'm interested to hear how you are releasing the blocks in your throat, if you don't mind sharing…

Thanks for sharing your experience of discovering Elias. 

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:53

elias posts:
Thanks Ahmed it was helpful sharing.


Battle between the physical and purely spiritual realms completely makes sense to me, as I understand the Earth is moving to the 5th density which is the density of the throat chakra, and I believe the etheric realms reside in the upper chakras. I feel something is preventing me to raise my vibration, it sort of is a block above my heart. When I hit my heart center I feel intense vibrations emitting from it, and I feel something is blocking it, so that the energy does not come out. When I gradually make it come out the intensity of the block seems to increase, and it becomes really disturbing to people around me, they feel like something is draining energy out of them, I become fearful and guilty, amd it worsens, recently one of friends emailed me from Canada, and it freaked me out:

Quote: | I feel pain in my throat, not like a sore throat, more like when someone has a complex issue and the throat seem to clog. I am not sure of this state, all I know is that it might be sucking energy out of me. I don't feel good. |
I felt so much guilt and amazement that this block is affecting a person across the planet. This being hard evidence for me that we are just all one. I know that I need help, but yet no one seems to understand it more than myself.


Well, I really do not recall, it was a long time ago. Maybe by Google.

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 16:58

Kimi Kaio posts:
I think the reason why you see others having throat problems is for you to find out why you have throat problems. You know you have it physically but what does it mean? You have to look further beyond the physical. What is the symbolism for it?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 19:34


Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 0:13

Jacobean posts:
BlueEnergyArtist wrote: | This is the joke you the century : You are the least "Spiritually aware" person visiting this forum. |
Take it up with the channel, BEA. Perhaps he's a lying demon… 
