Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:27

Learning to fly posts:
bluemonkey1111 wrote: | Hello friends! My name is Tariq and I'm from Toronto, Canada. I'm glad this forum is healthy and with so many members! hehe Elias has been in my life for ages and ages it feels like and I'm looking forward to meeting others that have the same connections! |
Hiya, fellow Canuck here. Glad you joined the forum.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 21:07


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 22:14

bluemonkey1111 posts:
Well.. thats a difficult area.. hehe, I seem to know everyone but myself.. my impressions have changed throughout the years and I think it may be due to my sumari mimicking.. lol I havent had an elias session yet but I booked my first one on thursday sept 20 and I am FREAKING excited about it!! hehe

I'm sure that I am intermediate and emotionally focused.. but as for families my impression, as of today.. hehe, is that I belong to maybe a sumafi/zuli mix and align with sumari.. but honestly its so funny how the slightest comment from someone or a different day can produce such mistrust regarding it… lol

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 22:25

denise posts:
bluemonkey1111 wrote: | I havent had an elias session yet but I booked my first one on thursday sept 20 and I am FREAKING excited about it!! hehe |
did you mean oct 20? sumafi police might take away your sumafi card for that! 
so are you going to the group session in october, then?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 22:35

bluemonkey1111 posts:
I did mean oct 20!! hehe and thats why I am sure I am not aligned with sumafi this round.. lol
I am going to the group session, not sure of the mechanics of how but its confirmed in energy!! hehe
I have been having these kinda conversations about the nature of reality and YCYR with very much non ghost types… lol and I am looking forward to having some fun with the elias forum rather than defending my stance that I feel I have been doing a little too much… (once is too much…. lol)
