Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 22:05

daal posts:
Douglas wrote: | it used to worry me when Elias describes his level of awareness as not holding thought or emotion. This sounded very bleak to me, but only until the penny dropped that what we call thought processes and emotions are actually translations of energy into physical reality, a means of communicating ourselves to ourselves. |
Well Elias makes no bones about this issue. He is affecting emotion to make us comfortable so he says. According to him, emotion is a communication from the subjective to the objective, both of which are of this physical dimension. As he isnt, he has no functionality in that department.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 16:34

BlueEnergyArtist posts:
To Douglas, are you a Russian Cosmonaut?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:23

A posts:
daal wrote: | There was a session many years ago where the participant afterwards claimed that he had given completely false information to Elias regarding his background, family members and the like. Accordingly, anything Elias said with reference to those details was erroneous. What to make of that? As I recall, Elias' only comment when told about the deception was something to the effect that it was the participant's loss. What was that supposed to mean? |
The guy is a pretty good creator.

It's like magic or coincidence. Both work. You get what you think is true.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:38


Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 17:29


Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 20:12

BlueEnergyArtist posts:
Well that's either a Cosmonaut's helmet on your head, or it is supposed to be some kind of Roman headgear.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:26

Douglas posts:
thanks lennyseeker, I'm starting to see this now.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 20:17

BlueEnergyArtist posts:
To Douglas,

Well the Russians were notorious for copying just about everytning that they needed to obtain, so why not copy a Roman Legionaire's helmet.
And you are from Scotland, a place that I am intrigued with, starting with the strange fact that the Romans were unable to subdue the Scots, to the innovative scientific minds located there. And I play occasionally ( I am Jazz musician) with a great (Jazz) Bass virtuoso, from Scotland and I also know a Jazz Git player from there.
Amazing how Jazz music is so revered and artfully performed there and elsewhere's by Scotsmen, and a cousin of mine in the US was one of the top rated Pipes players, who had actually studied in Scotland with an old master, who was world famous (For Pipe players)
Oh yeah I also know a tremendoudly raucous Joke about a guy landing in New York with his kilt on, but I will refrain from telling the rest of it right now.
