Diesel Raven posts:
Hello all -

I've been enjoying reading these forums the past couple days and I figured I'd join. I was first introduced to Seth about 4 years ago by my mother, who has been interested in his material since the 80's, and gradually discovered the other "ghosts", initially becoming a huge fan of Kris and now moving onto Elias who I stick to most of the time.

Since implementing this material, my life has changed so dramatically for the better that I can hardly believe it. I absolutely believe in the material and trust it - not only intellectually, but experiencially. I have also been working very intensively in Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis which I have found to be a perfect complement to "reality creation" work. It has helped me more clearly see my formerly unconcious patterns, beliefs, perceptions, and mental processes, as well as gain extra insight into dream interpretation and overall gain more self knowledge and acceptance. The changes within myself have been so huge as to render any explanation of them a task I would rather not undertake!

A bit about me - I am a 30 year old guy who lives in Boston but am originally from small-town Pennsylvania. I work in the financial world but went to Film school and am very passionate about the arts - movies, music, photography, writing, painting - as well as history, travel, and (recently) sports.

I look forward to meeting some new people here and engaging in some interesting discussions! 

- Chris