Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 20:47

Rain posts:
I have been reading the Elias transcripts since approximately 2003. I had actually run into them before that, but they did not capture my full attention until later.

I have had several run-ins with Elias. He once told me that I am soft, and that I am Borledim/Ilda. I am not positive on those points, but I can attest that he presented me with a physical rose bud in the pinkest shade of pink possible and told me, "For you are pink". Elias also messed with me once by opening up wide the bathroom door adjacent to my bedroom and turning on all the lights. I rolled over in bed and was awakened by the lights. I went, "what the….?" and I actually heard Elias laugh.

I found this forum after having read the draft transcript for the April 9, 2011, Castaic meeting, and did a search for "Sharee/derelic". I, too, have a good connection with my Self and have filled numerous notebooks with our conversations, so I can identify somewhat with Michael.

I am 56 years old; live in Houston, Texas; am married (32 years!) with three sons. Oh, yeah. I'm a girl. I have been "weird" all my life, although I have done a pretty good job of fitting into this current mass mind.

So, there you have it. I am not a stranger.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 21:01


Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 22:44

Rain posts:
Bennett wrote: | welcome aboard! im also going to put in a plug for the "sister forum" to blueflash:


if you find this place too conflict-oriented and aggressive check that site out. its mellow, everyone gets along, and you dont have to worry about redundancy for the most part, compared to this forum where it seems the same topics have been in debate for the last 10 years. not trying to make this place sound bad cuz obviously im still here but its a different energy is all im saying. blueflash is like driving through a busy city, people giving each other the finger and stuff, bluefresh is like a quite stroll through the countryside. there is less stimulation but less aggression.

anyway im ilda too, so we share that! tumold belonging so ive also been 'weird' my 24 years of life so far, except up until about 4 or 5 years ago i was constantly trying to fit in and conform my weirdness. its been in the last 4-5 years that ive just accepted it and its been a non-issue. as i see myself as less weird others do too.

buckle your seatbelts cuz this forum can get pretty interesting. most newcomers are gone within the first few weeks for some reason. |
I went right over there to BlueFresh and signed up. Thank you for the link.

Although, I should warn you that I am used to aggressive and adverse. You should see the forum from which I am migrating! Ha! I enjoy opposition, because I learn a lot from it. I am pretty well aware that I do not have all the answers , and besides that, I practice looking for the unity amongst people, despite our differences. So, if anybody ever wishes to disagree with me, please know that I welcome the interchange.

And a salute to a family member! Pretty crazy world, don't you think? Glad to hear that you stopped trying to conform. I tried doing that for a long time and it nearly killed me. I'd rather be a square peg enjoying its squareness, than die trying to fit into a round hole.

Again, thank you for your welcoming post.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 22:54

Rain posts:
Kimi Kaio wrote: | Hola

Do you like ducks, geese or crayfish? Not as food!

Elias projections are very cool. That's cool you can hear him, I don't.

Is your focus color pink? |
I love birds – any birds; all birds, and that includes ducks and geese. I grew up in farming country and have loads of experience with ducks and geese.

I live in the Southern states of the U.S., just 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Down here, a "crayfish" is also known as a "crawdad", and they are eaten by the bushel load. There are weekend festivals dedicated to nothing but eating crawdads! Personally, I do not eat them. In my mind, they are just giant cockroaches.

Do you like crayfish?

When I think about Elias talking to me, I do not hear "him" in Mary's voice. It is a soundless voice, but I know it is Elias. Well, it identifies itself as Elias, so there is no question about it.

I am assuming that my focus is pink. This is what I've been told and I just go with it. I have often used rosy colors in meditation.

Do you know what your focus color is?

It is very nice speaking with you. Thank you very much for the welcoming post.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 23:08

Kimi Kaio posts:
Rain wrote: | I enjoy opposition, because I learn a lot from it. |
Do you think your intent is opposition or something similar like drama or extremes?

I love ducks. I used to have 2 crawdads as pets but they eventually died. 

My focus color is grey & essence is pink. So, I like to claim all pink as mine. 

Ilda <---> Tellers

ELIAS: “These individuals are very likable. They are extremely verbal. They are communicators. Their focus is exchange. They are travelers. They may be manifest as merchants, as gypsies, as seamen; any individuals that travel and exchange ideas of cultures. They are the ‘mixers.’ Without these individuals your civilizations, your cultures, would become stagnant. They also incorporate, within physical manifestation, as slaves, as pirates. They are quite colorful individuals! They exchange ideas from one culture to another. They bring infiltration of religion, of trade, to all areas within your world. Some, in other times periods of your history, were great jesters of courts, having access to diplomats and kings, and exchanging ideas and concepts between these of high rank and peasantry. I personally hold quite affection for this family.” [session 67, January, 21, 1996]

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 23:26

Rain posts:
Kimi Kaio wrote: | Rain wrote: | I enjoy opposition, because I learn a lot from it. |
Do you think your intent is opposition or something similar like drama or extremes?

I love ducks. I used to have 2 crawdads as pets but they eventually died. 

My focus color is grey & essence is pink. So, I like to claim all pink as mine. 

Ilda <---> Tellers

ELIAS: “These individuals are very likable. They are extremely verbal. They are communicators. Their focus is exchange. They are travelers. They may be manifest as merchants, as gypsies, as seamen; any individuals that travel and exchange ideas of cultures. They are the ‘mixers.’ Without these individuals your civilizations, your cultures, would become stagnant. They also incorporate, within physical manifestation, as slaves, as pirates. They are quite colorful individuals! They exchange ideas from one culture to another. They bring infiltration of religion, of trade, to all areas within your world. Some, in other times periods of your history, were great jesters of courts, having access to diplomats and kings, and exchanging ideas and concepts between these of high rank and peasantry. I personally hold quite affection for this family.” [session 67, January, 21, 1996] |
Extremes, yes; drama, no. There is always the ongoing investigation of opposites. But, when it comes to big whoop-de-do's, then I turn around and go somewhere else. It's all about peace, man! Always and forever on the lookout for peace.

I think that my intent is to believe something with all my heart and then to find out that I was wrong…that my belief was just dust in the wind. In this lifetime so far, I've adopted and discarded just tons of beliefs! It's kind of fun, in a way. I've learned to not take anything too seriously, because whatever it is, is bound to fall through eventually. Then, I regret having been so damn serious about it.

You kept pet crayfish? In an aquarium? Did you have to provide a bit of dry land for them, in addition to water? In Louisiana, crayfish are farmed. True! They're raised in a field that looks like a huge rice paddy, with long rows of dirt piled up a few inches over an expanse of water.

You claim all pink for yourself? LOL!! Love it!

Pink and grey go very well together. They complement each other.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 23:27

Rain posts:
Revolver wrote: | Nice intro. Thanks!

Welcome to BF! |
Hi! Thank you very much for the compliment, and thank you for the welcome. Hope to meet you in discussion sometime within the innards of this forum (particularly about the void – or "The Big Quiet", as I've named It).

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 23:30

Rain posts:
denise wrote: | hi, rain. welcome!  |
Thank you very much for the welcome, Denise. Have the tornadoes bothered you at all? Is your family safe and sound?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 23:38

denise posts:
Rain wrote: | denise wrote: | hi, rain. welcome!  |
Thank you very much for the welcome, Denise. Have the tornadoes bothered you at all? Is your family safe and sound? |
you're welcome. funny you ask about the tornadoes as i am working through some fears of my own power of creation regarding them but yeah, friends and family all safe. "sound" might be pushing it a little, but that has nothing to do with the tornadoes. hee hee 

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 0:13

Rain posts:
Learning to fly wrote: | Welcome!

You know, the Rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain but I don't know about Houston.

Drought! We are shaping up to enjoy another rainless summer. This happened two summers ago, when things were dying from lack of water. For an area that is listed geographically as being "semi-tropical", we are not getting enough rain.

In my introduction, I noted that I have regular conversations with my Self. When I asked "what am I?", I was given a vision of a raindrop. That is, I emerge or coalesce or exude from an ocean, as a raindrop. Envision, if you will, the spray of moisture as a sea wave hits a rock, and all of the individual droplets composing that spray.

But, "Rain" will do. We're all in this together, you know. All of us little raindrops.

Thank you for the welcoming post.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:04

Revolver posts:
When the sun shines, when the sun shines.
Rain, I don't mind.
