Chameleon posts:
Hey everyone…

So where have you all been all my life? ;-P

Ok, but seriously (in a non-serious sort of way), I just "randomly" came across this forum tonight and realized I had to join. I, myself, am somewhat a new-comer to the Elias material… as I've been reading transcript after transcript since only last year… drinking it in like fine wine, and enjoying every delicious vibe I get from it… and before Elias, was Seth… and now I am here!

But, as I don't know anyone on here yet, I thought a first post was in order to say HIGH! 

I know this forum has been around for some "time," and so I almost feel like i'm hopping into things at such a random spot in its history… but then again, I guess that's the feeling I get about life in general! 

So… how things work around here? Take me to your leader! I come in pieces! ;-P

Much love to you all… and to many great conversation to come…
~the chameleon