Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:31

susanconstant posts:
My actual name is Susan. On July 4th, 2006 I came to have all seven sacred experiences of God and came to access the quantum world by breaking the space-time continuum. Later I would enter the void once more only this time survive it upon my own will and liberty as the Creator did most of the work that first time.

I use the words God, Creator and Universe interchangeably; by God I do not mean a little old man in the sky directing this orchestra, lol. I mean the Uncreated Creator and then the essence of who I am, that closest thing to the Creator that I am.

Thus I have experienced what we refer to as the Sundance, Kundalini, Rhua, Enlightenment, Holy Spirit, The Vote (Islam), and what I named Philadelphia but what is The Christos. I don’t use the word Christos as it confuses people.

I’ve also accessed the deepest recesses of my mind thus have experienced my id and ego. I did die while alive…the Chinese say between life and death there is a place whereby you can balance the impossible. Yes, as that is what you do as when your ego dies it actually comes to be balanced with your id. Id and Ego? Will and liberty thus if you do achieve this incredible balance you then match the universe – you are the living embodiment of the universal laws at work – thus you can do some amazing things. You can exert all the latent abilities human possess as you can exert the intrinsic force or the unifying force.

I never meant to do this but only to steer the course of history in a different direction. I came into this world knowing I would die before age 40 and that I would send the Earth spinning in a new direction via appearing in the Supreme Court of the US only I assumed I’d be acting as an attorney; it not once occurred to me I’d live the life that is the case which will finally vanquish patriarchy until I was faced with sitting down and authoring the Petition. I did not know I’d be both the victim and the pro se counsel, that only I would know something about US law that even the Justices themselves did not know.

So that is where I am today, within SCOTUS as an authority case. There’s only two in US history, me and Marbury V Madison, and it makes me the very first nonlawyer to enter the SCOTUS bar. I laugh: The bar I entered first? The Creator’s as I experienced ‘salvation’ and ‘restoration’; I became the first person to make it back after the ‘fall’. That’s because I recognized the science at work behind all of these experiences and because I know words are merely symbols for the truth…words themselves are never proof; they are never absolute.

So far my experiences within communities like this? Horrific for the people calling themselves New Agers are full of poop so far – they do not truly believe what they purport to believe. Every time I have come forward and every time I volunteer to prove something conclusively or each time I act on my own and do prove something labeled New Age these people become violent. They are as bad as any entrenched unjust government or religion. For instance, a website I will not name here actually censored me and then booted me for doing nothing more than AGREEING WITH THEIR EXACT WORDS LIFTED FROM THEIR WEBSITE. They had a heart attack as I proved something they claimed they truly believed. I was floored. Someday I’ll let you read the letter they sent me. They tried to guilt and shame me into believing I am wrong or defective. I wrote back: I lifted these words from your site; you said this not me. All I did was prove it. Thus you have exposed your true colors: You are nothing more than Hollywood Buddhists: you claim no dogma when its not the truth and you claim you believe what you thought could never be proven as that then makes it easy: you run around doing anything you want feeling no remorse no matter how much damage you cause for as long as your beliefs – THEORIES – remain unproven you do not have to live them out but only say you believe. Once any of those beliefs are proven you then must live them out or abandon them…this allows you to exert power and control over people. It’s manipulative. The letter you wrote and sent to me? If you sent that type of letter to an abused child or a battered woman you might kill somebody. What you are doing? It’s known as emotion dumping or conditioning; it’s named in the DSM. It’s a form of domestic violence. It’s like brainwashing but is not. You dump emotion upon a person to then change their reality. For instance, if you dump enough shame upon a person they will begin to deny their own truth to conform to yours to avoid that feeling. They will deny what actually happened to them – as if it never did. What you are doing is a crime and you should feel guilty as “no dogma” does not then mean no guilt if you deliberately act to harm another with full knowing. You just happened to cross paths with the one person on Earth who will never be fooled by the likes of you: You are now denying your own words and your own beliefs exactly like this government denies the Constitution. You can use all the fancy word placement you wish as that trick is wasted upon me. It happens to be a nasty lawyer trick they teach in law school. It's the most creative way of all that you can lie but then seem to be telling the truth as the emotions a person feels upon reading those words fools them. If you tell me something is a law then you do not get to then violate it as if it's a law that applies to everyone but you. You can write me a letter in which you call me 'crazy' for purporting gravity is reality, that I experienced it and then experienced zero point, but only as you write "gravity is not real" upon a piece of paper does not then cause us all to fly. LOL! If the two of us jumped off of a skyscraper I would fly while you would not; I'd live while you died. We both believe or so you claim that zero point is reality but only I know it is the truth! When you say you truly believe in zero point you are lying thus your actual true belief is if you have not had the experience than nobody else could have it. You CAN'T have me knowing more than you as in your head you are better than me and the one and only difference? WOMAN. In your head you compare yourself to me; in your head you MUST know more than me or else you feel inferior so you rationalize and justify it and so feel better about yourself by claiming: 'She's wrong; she's crazy'. Wakey, wakey! That's patriarchy and discrimination. What? I'm supposed to truly believe you do not read what you your own self post on your own website or in the books you author? That you 'accidentally' posted what you claim you truly believe? If this is the case then you and I have a legal problem as you are asking people for money and taking it. That's: FRAUD. /i]

This is why I often steer people away from New Age philosophies: The very nature of the injury humans are now suffering from makes them targets; it makes them vulnerable and the very nature of many New Age philosophies revolves around what is emotional so an unaware person can be injured severely, accident or not. They’re ripe for victimization and as New Age philosophies are just that - new – then there is little proof of life so this trap is very easy to fall into…they wouldn’t know different and have no reference point, no results to evaluate, so they fall for anything no matter how false and/or dangerous. Even New Age 'teachers' who are moral and ethical do it to people as they do not realize they are yet driven by what is an unjust belief system…that they are yet looking through a glass darkly until they truly liberate themselves from these patriarchic beliefs invoked as law and so until or unless you have the life experience then you aren't liberated. Saying it doesn't make you liberated - action does. In my life? I only thought I was liberated - until it happened to me, lol! Then I knew my truth is: [i]I did not spend a single second of my life before that moment truly 'free' but only convinced myself I was, that I had legal power when I don't and when women never did as our vote is nothing but a meaningless action and always has been. I was enslaved by it all, all those lies, and so not free and not liberated.

It's like discovering you're poor when you do not know it. Some outside person comes along and tells you: You're poor; we believe you're poor. So you realize: OMG…I'm poor. How could I be poor and not know it? I had to realize: OMG…I'm a woman. How could I ever believe I am equal when I am not? How could I not know they truly believe I am defective by my very nature thus less than they - men - are? How could I not know I'm a woman and not a human??? The whole time I truly believed they respected me but they were actually operating upon the idea that women are actually weaker than men and so created as defective and as less than men. They not once thought of me as their equal or even as a person with rights and they most likely never will. Seriously, the concept that you looked at me and acted upon WOMAN instead of PERSON was not even in my head until the moment I achieved actual liberation. I knew slavery so I could then compare the two. What I thought was liberation is not; it is a sliver or shadow of what actual liberation is. It's a false and mistaken version of liberation, as it only seems as if. You know it intellcetually but you do not own the actual truth it until you feel it in reality. So you can imagine my surprise upon discovering I'm a woman.

None of these topics scare me, as I understand all of the science. But they do scare other people. As a scientist I only came to know about Jane Roberts and Elias about a year ago…maybe less. I never had any need to go looking in those places – not even after I experienced what they discuss. But then again I never read The Book of Revelations either. I was raised Catholic but I was taught: You’ll never find proof in any book and calling yourself something does not make it true unless you live it out as real for you can’t know what’s true or not unless you conduct the experiment. The Catholics who raised me, even the nuns, never taught me that Catholics have exclusive rights others do not or that any one religion was true, fact and correct while another wasn't. People eventually abandon what is false thus all religions must contain something true as people are getting some good results. Thus I am w/o preconceived beliefs because of this and because my very first sense of self is:

Men landing on the moon; man outside of Earth thus as a creator outside of his own person. It caused me to truly believe we’re all equal and that we are a part of the universe – we created it – not apart from it; that we all have the same potential…we’re not beneath the Creator as we’re of the Creator…we’re equal creators.

I use the moniker “susanconstant” as the three ships that sailed to Jamestown from England are named the Godspeed, the Discovery and the Susan Constant and my own life proved that’s true, fact and correct: I’m constant like light; I achieved and maintained a constant rate of speed until I broke the barriers of physical reality and so came to be in the presence of my Creator, touching the very essence of my being. I underwent the ‘sacred marriage’ and the ‘transfiguration’. I came to know the whole mystery of God and how this universe and everything within it actually works.

So I spend my days fighting the entrenched unjust, unconstitutional US government in court (I haven’t lost once yet) and answering questions about the universe no matter how large.

I’m yet stunned by what people do not ask me as they do not ask those largest of all questions but ask small questions. I’ve been to the void, into it, and back again twice over and that’s all you want to know?, I think.

One of the single most fascinating things I have discovered? Deepak Chopra is incorrect when he claims a person can never heal the psychological fragmentation they are subjected to via socialization which then results in your personality. You can be made whole again. You can and do heal that injury and when you do? You feel something physically.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:43


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 18:32

Stevelord posts:
Susan you sound very interesting, and of course very smart. Gunslinger here is a lawyer and I used to practice. What is the nature or your case, your petition to the Supreme Court. That would be quite exciting if they accept your case and you get to go up against the Govt at the Supreme Court. I might faint. Ha ha.

Id be interested to know one day what the name is of that New Age Group.

Your referemce to God, at first I didnt know what to make of it because Elias teaches se , and our essence, who we are a focus of atttention of, are the highest form of consciousness, but lately we have been told by several channelled focuses that there is a vast unknowable body of consciousness that is not essence,, I hesitate to say greater than essence but beyond essence, and maybe you caught a glimpse of it.

You sound very Vold, which many here are, the Elias spiritual family who are the rebels. and my observation is they tend in gereral to post a lot or post long posts , move their address a lot, , tend to have fewer kids, dond stay in the same job long, change is their thing, as Elias confirms. But even though you are a rebel, dont worry about being banned here, just say what you think . THe owner does not ban people, we are the tribe that split off from the dogmatic, strict , banning Newworldview,coe, their forum now defunct. as ours thrives. If we could get banned here, half of us woulld already be gone, ha ha.


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 19:39


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 19:50

Ahmed posts:
sari wrote: |
you just entered another dimension: this is blueflash, where stones are not stones anymore, LoCs have little importance, and we hardly take anything serious …. |
This should be on BF's intro page. 

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 20:56


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:15

bunseam posts:
Stevelord wrote: | Susan you sound very interesting, and of course very smart. Gunslinger here is a lawyer and I used to practice. What is the nature or your case, your petition to the Supreme Court. That would be quite exciting if they accept your case and you get to go up against the Govt at the Supreme Court. I might faint. Ha ha.

Id be interested to know one day what the name is of that New Age Group.

You referernce to God, at first I didnt know what to make of it because Elias teaches se , and our essence, who we are a focus of atttention of, are the highest form of consciousness, but lately we have been told by several channelled focuses that there is a vast unknowable body of consciousness that is not essence,, I hesitate to say greater than essence but beyond essence, and maybe you caught a glimpse of it.

You sound very Vold, which many here are, the Elias spiritual family who are the rebels. and my observation is they tend in gereral to post a lot or post long posts , move their address a lot, , tend to have fewer kids, dond stay in the same job long, change is their thing, as Elias confirms. But even though you are a rebel, dont worry about being banned here, just say what you think . THe owner does not ban people, we are the tribe that split off from the dogmatic, strict , banning Newworldview,coe, their forum now defunct. as ours thrives. If we could get banned here, half of us woulld already be gone, ha ha.

Steve |
(hi, Susan, hope it's ok if I post this link)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 20:19

Gunslinger posts:
The Supreme Court brief is an interesting law review article, or would be several such articles, if it were organized in a less rambling fashion. That being said, I can't find a justiciable controversy (which means--I can't find any request for the court to act, nor anything they could act upon. Courts are not law review editors).
