Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:28


Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:46

Stevelord posts:
Enna wrote: | Sari, your FIRST impression is correct - Finland - I just happen to love Iceland - I think I had my first bleedthrough there, when I was 18 years old, and that was very emotional and in many ways very beautiful. I did my what I can call nice bleedthroughs in the first half of my this far lived life, then I got the ones that I can call not so nice… that is an other story.

So, Steve was right in one way, I am not from Iceland, he is not right about Icelanders though, I know one and she is no cold statue (did you know that there are only about 300 000 icelanders?! not an easy task to meet one) - thihihihihihi… I am not really into debating over wheather Santa really comes from Finland, that just seems to be one of the things that some Finns get a kick out of it is a very very insulting thing to say that Santa is not from Finland hihi.

Sari, beautiful impression, Finnland, how did you pull that one off?


Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:56

Stevelord posts:
Enna wrote: | Sari, your FIRST impression is correct - Finland -: |
Enna, Finnland eh? Do you know the 'great Lasse
Viren , the great 4 gold medal Olympic champion and most famous Finn of all time?

From Wikipedia
Quote: |
At the 1972 Summer Olympics at Munich, Virén won both the 5,000 and the 10,000 meter events. At the 10,000 meter final held on September 3, Virén broke Ron Clarke's 7-year old world record despite falling in the twelfth lap after getting tangled with Emiel Puttemans. Tunisia's Mohamed Gammoudi also fell after being tripped by Viren's legs. In less than 150 metres, Virén caught up with the leading pack after losing about 20 to 30 meters. With 600 meters to go, Virén dropped the hammer and started an unprecedented lap-and-a-half kick that only Belgium's Emiel Puttemans was able to respond to, but not outmatch |
It brang tears to my eyes reading this account. I remember well watching on TV the many Finns in the crowd going berserk, waving huge blue and white Finnish flags so exuberantly, I was afraid they were going tp kill someone 


Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 14:18

Enna posts:
Oh yes Steve, I remember that one. A museum, that has something to do with sports, in Amsterdam has boaght his running shirt for safe keeping, maybe it was not safe enough in Finland or something.

Yes, it is very emotional with this stuff sometimes. Especially for Finns, since there are not so many occations that someone in that small population, 5 million, reaches a world wide 1ft place. I remember the best though, the championship of europe in hockey, that happened in sweden which made it even better… people were celebrating the whole night… since that it has gone downhill, people are no longer satisfied anything else than winning.

I wonder why that is so… hehe 

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:07


Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:03


Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:27

Stevelord posts:
Perseus, you only assume you are common, elias did not tell you that? I bet not.


Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:28

perseus posts:
Perseus, you only assume you are common, elias did not tell you that? I bet not.


Ola, Steve,
I believe that there is a difference between an assumption and an impression. I stated that it was my impression that I am common. I am not much of an ass-umer or gambler, but I bet I am common, and that at some point, big blue will confirm. We shall see My impression is derived from not only having studied nearly every session on the subject that was posted publicly, but also on massive in-depth self exploration I have engaged in since my initial draw to this phenomenon. Although I do have an occasion or two now and then of expressing a state of "fugue" or a foggy thousand yard stare-(deer in the headlights thing), I am by appearances and outpictured manifestations in my experience, quite comfortable within the confines of the officially accepted reality, albeit, with the knowledge that that is what it is, I feel a sneaky kind of comfort in engaging the status quo, just because I can, without the need to be a perfectionist-even tho' I hold the 'virgo' designation. However, within the realization that the shift IS an action, and , that it 'waits for no one', I do express a certain sense of urgency to be exemplifying the straight little sapling in excellence, because big brother…AND little brother and sister are watching, and in my (unsolicited) opinion, they need my help, if I am to be assisting in the co-creation of the future of our Earth.
It has always 'felt' like the so called OAR has been at least through my perception-highly flawed, and that things that divest or go against the grain thereof are not generally seen by others as acceptable, but, I have opted to not give oness to the requirements posited by other peoples beliefs or sympathies. If I thought at some point that there was "some other way of 'being' that I might choose,which I HAVE done- I would act accordingly, at the risk of others thinking it was intrinsically wrong or bad.I usually just went for it first and asked questions and got the opinions of others later-not that I gave them much credence. Of course, in hindsight, I realized that nothing is wrong or bad, only in peoples perceptions, so my choices were MINE-and what others thought didn't matter, and that all elements of everyones' reality ARE, including mine. They are neither right or wrong, good or bad, nor do they have any intrinsic lack…they merely are. Other orientations do not perceive or express in the manner I'm attempting to describe that I see myself expressing within (according to Elias) -soft tries to put square pegs into round holes, and pauses for many causes-figuratively speaking. Intermediate, well, I'm not sure I follow E's definition, but let's just say, I consider what I think I know about intermediates-and I do know a few- to be "other". Common, FEELS like me. I don't give a rats ass about fitting my peg into any one elses hole-so to speak. I have a rather matter-of-fact attitude re the OAR, expressing a sense of comfortability, a natural flow of expression-a sort of "it matters not" attitude, as well as an awareness of several elements that are part of our subjective reality that no one talks about out in the so-called real world. I am in high anticipation of your expression…of gloating if you are correct in your belief that I hold a soft orientation, and my expression of "back to the drawing board" if that is so


Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:55

Enna posts:
Yes Perseus, there was this strange warp or what ever … I for one found myself unable to write anything… and that is just my part… who knows what the others were up to… but you were not disengaged… we all are still somewhere…

Haha, all kinds of things have been also known to pass thrue my mind when there is no answer to my postings… in my own way 

You be how ever you are that is very fine!

Well, a bit of poundering after your writing about my own stuff… I have not been so much of a cause person in fact even if my impression of myself is soft - some degree of promoting my own causes - because of my own reasons - I believe people help others for themselves only… but I don't much care about doing the world favors, since my world is mine, I am the most important one in that, so I keep my eye on me most of the time. My softie friends were completely convinced during the last week that there was going to be happening all kinds of things in the world, they were restless and there was no apparent reason for that, so that was the obvious explanation for them… I did not find that in myself… and so I just concentrated on myself, and boy that is always so fruitfull haha! so, I just cannot find such clear signals on what I am, and well, frankly that is just nice… but tomorrow who knows! 

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 18:09

perseus posts:
Enna wrote: | Yes Perseus, there was this strange warp or what ever … I for one found myself unable to write anything… and that is just my part… who knows what the others were up to… but you were not disengaged… we all are still somewhere…

Haha, all kinds of things have been also known to pass thrue my mind when there is no answer to my postings… in my own way 

You be how ever you are that is very fine!

Well, a bit of poundering after your writing about my own stuff… I have not been so much of a cause person in fact even if my impression of myself is soft - some degree of promoting my own causes - because of my own reasons - I believe people help others for themselves only… but I don't much care about doing the world favors, since my world is mine, I am the most important one in that, so I keep my eye on me most of the time. My softie friends were completely convinced during the last week that there was going to be happening all kinds of things in the world, they were restless and there was no apparent reason for that, so that was the obvious explanation for them… I did not find that in myself… and so I just concentrated on myself, and boy that is always so fruitfull haha! so, I just cannot find such clear signals on what I am, and well, frankly that is just nice… but tomorrow who knows!  |
Thank you for the validation, En! I shall offer my impressionon your friends' intensity, if I may. Last week I too, could feel MUCH energetic 'interference'? if I can put it that way. Like a storm-yeah, an electrical storm. I could FEEL it. My perception on that was that there was much fear surrounding the movement into the new decade, and much trepidation as to "what that MIGHT MEAN" for folks. In my 'receptors', I could feel the 'wave' of fear, as if it were my own, but, it was belonging to other essences. As I said in my beheading of Steve note, We all ARE connected. In energy. therefore, those of us who are vulnerable (also a choice) to the expressions in energy of 'others'-no steve-NOT intermediates lol-are subject to in -infeeding or in-fusion (sorta like a 'wave' washing 'over our energetic field-so to speak) of their chosen energy expressions. Often causing much confusion and trepidation in other individuals. But, we CAN feel it, and let it go-like allowing a wave, at the ocean, a wave that 'gets to BE what it is'-letting it wash up upon the shore, and recede as it naturally will. Just because we feel it on our lovely toes, doesn't mean we have to take it home with us, like a stray dog left on our energetic doorstep. We merely acknowledege 'IT', and let is wash on by~~~Capiche?
It's a beautiful thing! I just flo-with the go…thank you for your posting, and keep up your beautiful softness in expressing!

