Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 15:33

sylvii posts:
Hey, that's fascinating! how can you tell when anyone is checking private messages?

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 15:49

Markus posts:
Marina wrote: |
Just recently I looked "who is online" at Blueflash and there were "guests" checking private messages. Thats a hint that they weren´t "guests" as you must be logged in to view private messages.
Quite odd. I'd really be surprised if a bot could enter the private message area because a bot is nothing else than a regular user and can't go anywhere beyond where a regular user can go.


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 16:09


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 16:41

sylvii posts:
Hey Sylvii, what words/definitions do you want to see?

hehehe….I 'should' have kept a list of them…if I'd of known there was going to be BlueFlash and dictionary, I would have….but will keep track of them from this point on.

Marisa wrote: | BTW, you can add them too you know (everyone can play in the Sandbox, I think). At the Sandbox page, you can create a link and a page holder for a word you want to see added – and even if you don't want to add the definition information yourself or don't have time right off the bat, the page holder exists and others will see that and then may add information from the Elias sessions. |
I tried reading thru all of that and there is 'way too much' there for me to comprehend….felt like I was, once again, reading an alien language. So, I just figured I'd pass until it made sense to me. 

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 17:13


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 21:37


Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:55

ecrosset posts:
Markus wrote: | Essence stew! |
Did anybody else notice? - it tastes just like chicken . It's pretty tasty, but I keep having to pick flecks of Rose out of my teeth.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 17:43

Markus posts:
sylvii wrote: | Markus, in Private Messages, what is difference between 'sent box' and 'out box'? I sent someone private message, but instead of showing up in 'sent messages', it is sitting in 'out box'. Does that mean it's been sent? if not, how do I get it to send? I already 'submitted (when posted as new pm but it's in 'outbox'. |
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it remains in the Outbox until the recipient actually opened it (and until then you can still edit or delete it).

